NBC raised $626 from employees with a golf-putting tournament for the Longest Day, which raises funds and awareness for the Alzheimer’s Association. Customer donations are not solicited for the event, but some customers did choose to donate to the cause.
Staff putted throughout the day in the bank’s lobby in the competition among employees.
“The staff really enjoyed the final rounds and watching who took first, second and third,” said Danielle Smith, VP Compliance, Human Resources, Security and Training.
According to the association’s website, the annual event is conducted on or near the summer solstice—the longest day of the year—to honor those living with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers, for whom every day is the longest day.
“I want to encourage everybody to learn about Alzheimer’s and be aware of what happens,” NBC President Chris Hove said. “Hopefully we can overcome this horrible disease.”
Nearly 16 million family and friends are caregivers to an Alzheimer patient. In the United States, someone develops Alzheimer’s every 66 seconds.